Aug: Invited to deliver a talk and a workshop at India HCI Symposium organized at VIT, Vellore, India
June: Invited to deliver guest lecture at the research lab head by prof. Ingmar Webber, a renowned computational social scientist at the Saarland University in Germany
June: Delivered my portfolio and vision for human computer interactions in the SIGCHI Asian Committee meting at the City University Hong Kong
April: Invited to talk at University Pennsylvania Law school "AI and Bias Policy Lab" as a part of my affiliation to BKC Harvard, USA
Feb: Invited to conduct a workshop on Research Methods by HoD NSBM Green University Dr. Mohamed Shafraz
Jan: Invited to speak at the WTM Sri Lanka Social Hour event
Feb: As an affiliate at Berkman Klein Center Internet Society at Harvard University, I did a guest talk at the Sturm Colleage of Law, University of Denver by the invitation from Prof. Zahra Takhshid
Jan: As an affiliate at Berkman Klien Center Internet Society at Harvard University, I did a guest talk at the AI Policy Lab, UPenn Carey Law School by the invitation from Prof. Rangita De Silva
Jan: Represented Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) at the Stanford mediaX themed day and presented our work at Sasahara Lab - Societal implications of AI Generated content.