My Publications
Gamage, D., Ghasiya, P., Bonagiri, K., Whiting, M., & Sasahara, K. (2022). Are Deepfakes Concerning? Analyzing Conversations of Deepfakes on Reddit and Exploring Societal Implications. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2022), New Oreland, USA
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Gamage, D., Chen, J., & Sasahara, K. (2021). The Emergence of Deepfakes and its Societal Implications: A Systematic Review., In Proceedings of the 2021 Truth and Trust Online Conference (TTO2021)
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Gamage, D., & Whitting, M. E. (2021, May). Together we learn better: leveraging communities of practice for MOOC learners. In Asian CHI Symposium 2021 (pp. 28-33), at CHI2021, Yokohama, Japan [BEST PAPER AWARD]
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Gamage, D. (2021, May). Scaffolding Social Presence in MOOCs. In Asian CHI Symposium 2021 (pp. 140-145), at CHI2021, Yokohama, Japan
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Gamage D, Whiting M , Perera I, Fernando S (2018,December) ," Improving Feedback and Discussion in MOOC Peer Assessment Using Introduced Peers ", in IEEE Region 10 Technology Education Conference (TALE2018), Sydney, Australia
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Gamage D, Perera I, Fernando S (2018, April) ,"Increasing Interactivity and Collaborativeness in MOOCs using Facilitated Groups: A Pedagogical Solution to meet 21st century goals", in IEEE Education Conference (EDUCON2018), Tenerife, Spain
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Gamage D, Fernando S, Perera I (2016, March) ," MOOCs to provide 21st century skills: Learners Perspective ", in 10th annual International Technology Education and Development Conference (IATED,2016), Valencia, Spain
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Gamage D, Fernando S, Perera I (2016, March) ," Evaluating effectiveness of MOOCs using empirical tools: learners perspective", in 10th annual International Technology Education and Development Conference,(IATED,2016), Valencia, Spain
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Gamage D, Fernando S, Perera I(2015, April) ,"Effectiveness of eLearning : Grounded theory approach", in IEEE Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (Mercon2015) Katubedda, Sri Lanka
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Journal Papers
Gamage, D, Whiting M, Staubitz T (2021), Peer Reviews in MOOCs: A Systematic Literature Review, Special Issue - Re-imagining Assessment in Online and Distributed Learning, Distance Education [Impact factor >2.0 Journal Indexed in Web of Science, Scopus]
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Gamage, D., Fernando, S., & Perera, I.(2020). MOOCs lack interactivity and collaboratives: Evaluating MOOC platform, International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), Vol 10 No 2, (pp. 94-111) [Open Access Journal Indexed in Web of Science, Scopus]
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Gamage, D., Fernando, S., & Perera, I.(2020). Exploring MOOC user behaviors beyond platforms, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), Vol 15 No 8, (pp. 161-179 [Open Access Journal Indexed in Web of Science, Scopus]
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Gamage, D., Fernando, S., & Perera, I. (2014). Factors affecting to effective eLearning: Learners Perspective. Scientific Research Journal (SCIRJ), 2(5), 42-48 [Open Access Journal]
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Book Chapters
Gamage, D., Chen, J., Ghasiya, P & Sasahara, K. (2021) Deepfakes and Society: What lies ahead? Frontiers in Fake Media Generation and Detection, Springer
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Gamage, D., Fernando, S., & Perera, I. (2016). To MOOC or Not to MOOC, That Is the Problem: A Learner's Perspective. In Revolutionizing Modern Education through Meaningful E-Learning Implementation (pp. 131-148). IGI Global
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Journal Edits
Frontiers in Education - A Paradigm Shift in Designing Education Technology for Online Learning: Opportunities and Challenges, D. Gamage, Jose A. Ruiperez Valiente, Justin Reich
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Extended Abstracts/Workshops
Gamage D, Sasahara K (2022), Analyzing conversations about deepfakes in Reddit and Twitter, In Extended Abstracts of the 8th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2 2022), Chicago, USA
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Gamage D , Stomber, J, Jahanbakhsh, F, Skeet, B, Shahe, G. K( 2022, May), Designing Credibility Tools To Combat Mis/Disinformation: A Human-Centered Approach, In Extended Abstracts of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2022), New Oreland, USA
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Cannanure, V.K., Rivera-Loaiza,C, Prabhakar, A.S, D., Prabhakar, A.S., Varanasi, R. A., Tuli, A., Gamage, D., Noor, F.,Karusala, N., Nemer, D, Das, D, Dray, S., Sturm , C., Kumar, N. (2022, Mayl). HCI Across Borders: Navigating Shifting Borders at CHI. In Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2022), New Oreland, USA
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Søndergaard, M.L, Kannabiran, K., Chopra, S., Woytuk, N. C., Gamage, D., Alabdulqader, E., McKinnon, H., Winschiers-Theophilus, H., Bardzell, S., (2022, May) Feminist Voices about Ecological Issues in HCI, In Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2022), New Oreland, USA
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[update] 19-08-2021
A well respected researcher, a philosopher, one of the prominent figure behind the connectivisit MOOCs (persoanlly I would call him, father of MOOCs) has a review post in his web about my last MOOC publication.
During my Ph.D. I envisioned a semi strucutred MOOC -- not fully connectivist- which together Stehen and George introduced, or not fully regular xMOOC .
My work has been predominantly bringing communities to MOOCs and articulating a structured framework to enahnce effectiveness. I am glad that Prof. Stephen had a peek to the papers and distingushes the key differences - yet one more thing to it - Although I dont have much fund to continue the same line of work, the framework for social presence provided really promising impactful results, I am glad I could built the social system PeerCollab centered upon the framework, and many students feedback were awesome to learn with a community.
A well respected researcher, a philosopher, one of the prominent figure behind the connectivisit MOOCs (persoanlly I would call him, father of MOOCs) has a review post in his web about my last MOOC publication.
During my Ph.D. I envisioned a semi strucutred MOOC -- not fully connectivist- which together Stehen and George introduced, or not fully regular xMOOC .
My work has been predominantly bringing communities to MOOCs and articulating a structured framework to enahnce effectiveness. I am glad that Prof. Stephen had a peek to the papers and distingushes the key differences - yet one more thing to it - Although I dont have much fund to continue the same line of work, the framework for social presence provided really promising impactful results, I am glad I could built the social system PeerCollab centered upon the framework, and many students feedback were awesome to learn with a community.
** I am a bit behind updating anything about publications to this web, pls see latest in the Google scholar, under versions, I always update a preprint ResearchGate or archive in Open Science Foundations (OSF) platform
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Gamage D, Whiting M, Fernando S, Perera I (2018, December) ," Improving Feedback and Discussion in MOOC Peer Assessment Using Introduced Peers ", in IEEE Education and Technical Conference Conference (TALE2018), Wollongong , Australia
camera_ready_final_329.pdf |
Gamage D, Fernando S, Perera I (2018, April) ," Increasing Interactivity and Collaborativeness in MOOCs using Facilitated Groups: A Pedagogical Solution to meet 21st century goals ", in IEEE Education Conference (EDUCON2018), Tenerife, Spain
1303educoncamera_ready.pdf |
Gamage, D., Whiting, M., Rajapakshe, T., Thilakarathne, H., Perera, I., & Fernando, S. (2017). Improving Assessment on MOOCs Through Peer Identification and Aligned Incentives. 4th ACM, Learning at Scale conference, MIT, Boston 2017 arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.06169.
l-s-2017_paper_172.pdf |
Gamage, D., Fernando, S., & Perera, I. (2016), To MOOC or Not to MOOC, That Is the Problem: A Learner’s Perspective. Revolutionizing Modern Education through Meaningful E-Learning Implementation, 131. --or--
Gamage, D., Fernando, S., & Perera, I. (2016), To MOOC or Not to MOOC, That Is the Problem: A Learner’s Perspective. Revolutionizing Modern Education through Meaningful E-Learning Implementation, 131. --or--
1. Gamage D, Fernando S, Perera I (2016, March) ," MOOCs to provide 21st century skills: Learners Perspective ", in 10th annual International Technology Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain
inted_moocs_21st_century.pdf |
2. Gamage D, Fernando S, Perera I (2016, March) ," Evaluating effectiveness of MOOCs using empirical tools: learners perspective", in 10th annual International Technology Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain
inted-_evalauating_effectivness-_final.pdf |
3. Gamage D, Fernando S, Perera I (2016, November) ,"What do star rates for MOOCs tell you? An analysis of pedagogy and review rates to identify effective pedagogical model", in 24th International Conference on Computer Education (ICCE2016), IIT, Mumbai, India
poster_icce2016-_what_do_start_rate_pdf.pdf |
4. Gamage D, Fernando S, Perera I (2016, November) ,"Improving effectiveness of MOOCs", in 24th International Conference on Computer Education (ICCE2016), IIT, Mumbai, India
dsc_dilrukshi_gamage.pdf |
1. Gamage D, Fernando S, Perera I(2015, April) ,"Effectiveness of eLearning : Grounded theory approach", in IEEE Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (Mercon2015) Katubedda, Sri Lanka
1. Gamage D, Fernando S, Perera I(2015, April) ,"Effectiveness of eLearning : Grounded theory approach", in IEEE Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (Mercon2015) Katubedda, Sri Lanka
94.pdf |
2. Gamage D, Fernando S, Perera I (2015, August) ,"Quality of MOOCs: A review of literature on effectiveness and quality aspects ", in 8th IEEE International conference of Ubi-Media Computing, Colombo, Sri Lanka
literature_review-effectiveness_of_mooc.pdf |
3. Gamage D, Fernando S, Perera I (2015, August) ,"A Framework to Analyze effectiveness of eLearning in MOOC: Learners Perspective", in 8th IEEE International conference of Ubi-Media Computing, Colombo, Sri Lanka
framework_of_effectiveness_of_mooc.pdf |
4. Gamage D, Fernando S, Perera I (2015, August) ,"Factors leading to an effective MOOC from participants perspective ", in 8th IEEE International conference of Ubi-Media Computing, Colombo, Sri Lanka
factors_leading_to_an_effective_mooc_from_participants_perspective.pdf |
--- 2014 ---
1. Gamage D, Fernando S, Perera I, " Factors affecting to effective eLearning: Learners Perspective" , Scientific Research Journal (Scirj), Volume II, Issue V, May 2014 Edition, Page 42-48
1. Gamage D, Fernando S, Perera I, " Factors affecting to effective eLearning: Learners Perspective" , Scientific Research Journal (Scirj), Volume II, Issue V, May 2014 Edition, Page 42-48
factors_affecting_to_effective_elearning-dilrukshi_gamage.pdf |
2. Gamage D, Fernando S, Perera I(2014, December) Improving eLearning to meet challenges in 21st century, in IEEE International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions - ICTer2014, Colombo
393-_final_icter2014.pdf |
3. Gamage D, Fernando S, Perera I(2014, November) Effective eLearning through MOOC: Lessons learnt in selecting a MOOC (ICCE 2014), Nara,Japan ( indexed in Elsevier Bibliographic Databases)
icce2014poster-dilrukshi.pdf |
1. Gamage D and Fernando D, “Impact of interactivity to eLearning in Sri Lanka ," in IEEE 8th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE 2013), Colombo,2013. [paper Accepted]
2. Gamage D, Fernando S, (2012, November), Measuring Interactivity level in eLearning Practices, 3rd International Conference on Business and Information 2012 (ICBI 2012), Kelaniya,Sri Lanka. [selected as the best paper under IT category, therefore accepted for Kelaniya Journal of Management ]
3. Gamage D, Fernando S, (2012, October), An Interactivity framework to measure level of interactivity in eLearning, 19th Annual Conference of the IET Sri Lanka Network (IET Sri Lanka Network 2012), Colombo, Sri Lanka.
4. Gamage D, Fernando S, (2012, July), Engaging Interactivity in eLearning: Review of practices and challenges in Sri Lanka, 30th National Information Technology Conference (NITC2012), Colombo, Sri Lanka.
5. Sheriff S D, Siddique S, Wijesooriya H, Wickramarathne C, (2006, August),ILJc: Porting Microsoft.NET IL (Intermediate Language) to Java,First 1st IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. [ Selected for top ten research award in SLIIT research symposium ]
Some of the Articles, Comments and stories by me
2. Video Presentation Styles in MOOCs ? -
3. Comment on MIT "The Tech" Online edition -
4. Peer reviewing and effective peer reviewing -
1. What do students want from MOOC ? - 2. Video Presentation Styles in MOOCs ? -
3. Comment on MIT "The Tech" Online edition -
4. Peer reviewing and effective peer reviewing -
This article endorsed by the staff Sandra Milligan 21st century Teaching & Assessment MOOC bt University of Melbourne & Human Computer Interaction MOOC by UC Ivine Prof Scott Kellemer - sates this article was great and helpful to his research.
Some of the interviews of me
Interview by MOOCLab
Interview Link -