This page will contain the summery of the experience I have gained through out the eLearning process since 2012.
There are so many things I have learned from international community while taking MOOCs, specially the Stanford University Technology Entrepreneurship Course by Professor Chuck Eesly and HCI course by Ass. Professor Scott Klemmer and First online Entrepreneurship course offered by MIT 15.390X Dr.Bill Aulet and University Teaching by Johns Hopkins University.
Please click to find out the list of courses I completed and my performance.
You do not need big money, lot of time, particular place, but the real passion and devotion to your interests. Being a mom of two beautiful girls, I am so happy and proud to be with them all the time. All because I brought my passion to home, where the world is at my finger tip.
As a person who has interests in eLearning, I would say the best place to hangout is MOOCs. (Massive Open Online Courses). Contributing and participating to these changed my life way better than it was. I love to be with my kids at home,while i achieve my objectives of learning.
My main interests are in the field of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and eLearning.
I have gained experience in studying on eLearning platform such as
Main objective of learning through different platforms
There are so many things I have learned from international community while taking MOOCs, specially the Stanford University Technology Entrepreneurship Course by Professor Chuck Eesly and HCI course by Ass. Professor Scott Klemmer and First online Entrepreneurship course offered by MIT 15.390X Dr.Bill Aulet and University Teaching by Johns Hopkins University.
Please click to find out the list of courses I completed and my performance.
You do not need big money, lot of time, particular place, but the real passion and devotion to your interests. Being a mom of two beautiful girls, I am so happy and proud to be with them all the time. All because I brought my passion to home, where the world is at my finger tip.
As a person who has interests in eLearning, I would say the best place to hangout is MOOCs. (Massive Open Online Courses). Contributing and participating to these changed my life way better than it was. I love to be with my kids at home,while i achieve my objectives of learning.
My main interests are in the field of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and eLearning.
I have gained experience in studying on eLearning platform such as
- Canvas
- NovoEd,
- edX,
- Udacity,
- Ivercity,
- Udemy,
- Coursera
- FutureLearn
Main objective of learning through different platforms
- 1. Understand how the platform supports in providing interactivity among student,instructor and the content.
- 2. Understand how the other users in the platform feels about the effectiveness.
- 3. Gain knowledge through collaborations with peers.
- 4. Understand User behaviors and patterns of next generation eLearning.
- 5. Understand how new technologies incorporate in eLearning practice and how feasible to the users.
- 6. Understand how new pedagogues are effecting in learning styles of the user, do they like it..?
Sharing my experience in MOOCs
Below are some of my experience while taking the MOOCs . From 2012 up to day, I am enjoying very much by gaining knowledge working with world.
Each link will contain -
Each link will contain -
- 1. Screen shots of the platform during the study
- 2. The collaborative projects while taking the course
- 3. Individual Assignments
- 4. My view about the course
( *** I am to upload the viewpoints more on the other courses.. I will do that as soon as I am done with editing. ;)
Sharing my Experience in Webinars
Apart from those I am attending and participating many Webinars, Virtual Conferences, Virtual Mini Conferences, Virtual Work shops.. to be able to practice what I am so passionate about.
This is the Youtube video of the Webinar I took part in Stanford University. Its about Design Thinking, I was so excited as the professors took my problem scenario into the class discussion. ( clip at 9.22min )
I have achieved highest level Motivation ;)
I felt this the Webinar was so live and effective just as in a Face to Face class.
This is the Youtube video of the Webinar I took part in Stanford University. Its about Design Thinking, I was so excited as the professors took my problem scenario into the class discussion. ( clip at 9.22min )
I have achieved highest level Motivation ;)
I felt this the Webinar was so live and effective just as in a Face to Face class.
This is a Hangout we had in the NovoEd course Learning experience design. These courses are the best learning experience I had -!/courses/novoed-learning-experience-design/home
10th November 2016
10th November 2016